Sunday 1 April 2018

Just for Today I will Give Thanks for my Many Blessings

Life brings many people, situations and things to us. Most of them will challenge us in some way to improve ourselves. And when we meet these challenges successfully, we feel a sense of satisfaction, a sense of achievement. This is when we feel the need to express thanks to everything that helped us be successful.

The intention of giving gratitude is one that we often forget to follow through in our busy, productive lives. However, when we take the time to make gratitude a regular part of our journey, we reap many benefits. By regularly reminding ourselves of our blessings, we focus on what is to be appreciated in our lives.

It doesn’t matter if you give your thanks while you pray before sleeping at night, or journal it every morning as soon as you wake up. As long as you note what you are grateful for on a regular basis, you will have more to be grateful for.

Today’s Call to Action

Make giving gratitude a regular part of your day. Take a minute to think about three challenges that you are facing currently. Now catalogue what lessons you have picked up since these challenges appeared in your life. What skills have you developed because you had to handle these challenges? Now give thanks to the challenges for helping you learn these new skills.

Another way to ensure that you stay in a grateful space is to start a gratitude journal. I use one where each day I write down ten things that I am grateful for on that day. It could be about my health, my family, my career, my friends, a gadget that makes my life easy, just about anything can end up on my list.

I don’t have a fixed time for writing in my gratitude journal, but when I sit down to write I ensure that I don’t stop till I have my ten points for the day written down. In addition I also give thanks in advance for things that I want to happen in my life.

I call that part of the journal giving gratitude for future expectations. This helps me stay focused on what I wish to achieve in the near future. It doubles up as a list of goals.

Affirmation – I am thankful to the Universe for everything in my life. I express gratitude for all the wonderful blessings that exist in my life and for the many fantastic blessings headed my way.

I wish you days filled with gratitude.
Love and light, always

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