Sunday 26 February 2017

Manifesting is More than the Law of Attraction

In recent popular culture there is a lot of mention of the Law of Attraction. One that quite literally says that what you focus your attention upon, you manifest in your life. This over simplistic view has everyone thinking about attracting all kinds of things into their lives. Some want to manifest money, others want to find their soul mates, and a lot of people are looking for abundance, without really understanding what kind of abundance they need to focus on.

 In most cases these people are meeting with a world of disappointment when despite doing what they feel is the way to get the Law of Attraction to work, nothing seems to be manifesting the way it should. This is because when you work with Spiritual Laws, there is always more than one at play. The laws of Physics do not exist in a vacuum, but rather come together to make up our understanding of the physical world.

In the same way there are seven essential spiritual laws that tend to work together to help us manifest what we truly want. The Law of Attraction is just the starting point, it is followed by these laws.

Law of Deliberate Creation
Law of Allowing
Law of Sufficiency and Abundance
Law of Pure Potentiality
Law of Detachment
Law of Polarity

It is only when all of these spiritual laws work in harmony together can you expect effortless manifestation. The key to working with these laws is not to block your enthusiasm with a layer of pessimism.

Today's Call to Action

Set a clear, measurable and well defined goal. "I have tons of money" is not a good example. Make it "I manifest ten thousand extra every month to invest in my ultimate goal of financial freedom."

Use affirmations to keep your subconscious mind and inner critic away from soiling your energy vibrations. This can be tricky and will require constant monitoring. Use stream of conscious writing to check where your thoughts are. Or just do mirror work, you will find yourself pouring out all your innermost fears and desires after a week of constantly talking to yourself.

Allow the good to come into your life in small ways. Only when you show the Universe that you can handle the smaller gifts it sends you with ease, will you move up to the big league of manifestation. If someone wants to treat you for no reason at all, allow them.

Save and spend money with pleasure. Yes, only when you are willing to happily give it away, will you be able to get more of it. Remember when you give away something with joy, you are equally focused on it.The Universe will notice the joy you associate with that object and bring more of it to you.

When you set your manifestation goal, don't let there be a constant shadow over it. Release any doubts, anxiety, desperation that are related to the goal. Know that the Spiritual Laws run just as true as the Scientific ones. They may not seem to be working at the speed you want them to, but have you ever tried rushing a chemical reaction in the lab?

I wish you happy manifesting.
Love and light, always

Monday 13 February 2017

Fear: My Frenemy

There are many things that I would love to do, but I don't. The funny thing is no one else is stopping me from doing these activities. It's just this Frenemy (friend + enemy) I have called Fear.

It could be anything from dancing to a Bollywood number on stage, giving a speech in pure Hindi, conducting a workshop for more than a hundred people, dealing with people who never seem to appreciate you, or anything else that inspires fear.

These are my bear bugs, yours could be different. Still I feel we react in the same physical manner when faced with them. When I think about the activity in question, my heart pounds, my stomach gets butterflies, my mouth runs dry and I am literally running to the bathroom to hide and ride out my fear.

The thing is, even if fear is my enemy because it doesn't allow me to do the things I want to, it is also my friend. It points out areas of my life that can be better if I work on them. It acts as a guide for what I need to do.

Call to Action

Think of one thing that you are reluctant to do. Something that really scares you. It could be a physical activity such as Bungee Jumping. Or something more common place such as standing up for yourself when someone you know puts you down.

Once you have that activity that fears rules for you, think about going bad ass on it. Now confront your fear. Do what it is you fear to face the most. Build up your courage to do what is needed. Ask for Universal Energy to support your actions and then take the leap of faith and jump.

I wish you courage to face your fears.
Love and light, always

Sunday 5 February 2017

Start With Small Manifestations

Every book I read on the Law of Attraction told me that I needed to have clear intention before I tried to manifest anything. So I huffed and puffed and cleared my mind with meditations before I decided to try my hand at manifestation with positive statements and a whole lot of mumbo jumbo. no avail.

Then I realized that for every affirmation I made about my manifestation out loud, I was creating a cancelling doubt in the silence of my head. If I said "I manifest a thousand bucks", my inner critic would say, "Yeah right! Whose going to give you a thousand bucks?"

When I became aware of this side order of doubt I was placing along with my main order to the Cosmic Kitchen, I knew I had to switch things around. So I came up with stuff that was totally believable. Things I knew I could easily manifest in the upcoming week.

A feather on the road.
A butterfly in the park.
A chocolate that I saw on TV.
A parking spot in the mall.
A button (yep found one in the washing machine).

Suddenly I was totally owning it! I would manifest exactly what I wanted, and withing a week. The difference here was that I knew it was no big deal to manifest something so small, and so it was easily done.

Call to Action

Three steps to manifestation. First step - write it down. Having your goal written allows you great clarity over what you are trying to manifest. Also test it on the "I Believe I can Manifest" scale where 1 is can't believe I will manifest and 10 is absolutely will manifest. Ideally 7-10 is the zone you will meet success with.

Second step - Imagine that it has already happened. Feel the emotions that you would when the goal is met. Is it happiness? Relief? If you wanted to manifest a house, what would you feel when you walked through that home? Imagine and experience that joy right now. Everything is first created in your mind then in the world.

Third step - Give yourself your due as a Co-Creator. Accept the responsibility that your thoughts are creating your reality. This is a biggie! Most of use are happy to hand over our power to someone else. That is not conducive to manifestation. You need to stand in your full power and own it.

I wish you marvelous manifestations.
Love and light, always