Monday, 13 February 2017

Fear: My Frenemy

There are many things that I would love to do, but I don't. The funny thing is no one else is stopping me from doing these activities. It's just this Frenemy (friend + enemy) I have called Fear.

It could be anything from dancing to a Bollywood number on stage, giving a speech in pure Hindi, conducting a workshop for more than a hundred people, dealing with people who never seem to appreciate you, or anything else that inspires fear.

These are my bear bugs, yours could be different. Still I feel we react in the same physical manner when faced with them. When I think about the activity in question, my heart pounds, my stomach gets butterflies, my mouth runs dry and I am literally running to the bathroom to hide and ride out my fear.

The thing is, even if fear is my enemy because it doesn't allow me to do the things I want to, it is also my friend. It points out areas of my life that can be better if I work on them. It acts as a guide for what I need to do.

Call to Action

Think of one thing that you are reluctant to do. Something that really scares you. It could be a physical activity such as Bungee Jumping. Or something more common place such as standing up for yourself when someone you know puts you down.

Once you have that activity that fears rules for you, think about going bad ass on it. Now confront your fear. Do what it is you fear to face the most. Build up your courage to do what is needed. Ask for Universal Energy to support your actions and then take the leap of faith and jump.

I wish you courage to face your fears.
Love and light, always

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