Monday 19 March 2018

Just For Today I Will Do My Work Honestly

Are you an honest person? The fact is that honesty may mean one thing to you and another to the next person. No two people have the exact same standard when it comes to honesty. Some people think it’s okay to take home office stationery, while others feel it’s an absolute disgrace. That stealing stationery from the office should be grounds for dismissal.

Based on your belief, you may think a person is acting dishonestly or stealing. However since we set the standard for honestly in our lives, we often fail to understand that we too, could be found wanting. That others could find us dishonest. That our behaviour may be seen to lack integrity.

Richard Whately, the Archbishop of Dublin said, “Honestly is the best policy.

Yet, all of us are dishonest at some time or the other. The worst form of dishonesty is when you steal from yourself. How is that possible? You may ask.

You steal from yourself, when you choose to deny your talent.

You steal from yourself when you don’t use your gift. You waste your time on silly things like watching television for hours, or spending time aimlessly on social media sites. You are also stealing from the people who could benefit from your sharing your talent. You are denying them access to your gift. Your dishonesty may be causing someone who needs your help, a great deal of anguish.

Today’s Call to Action

Think about your gift to the world. Be honest with yourself when you answer the question, “What can I bring to the world to make it a better place?” It’s not an easy question to answer. Take some time out and make a list of your talents. Now hone in on the ones that help you honestly make a difference.

It does not have to be something extremely elaborate, even of you can make a difference in the life of a single individual during the course of your life, it is worthwhile. Can you help someone become more confident? Can you create something that will help others? Can you support someone in their quest?

Once you have identified certain actions that allow you to use your talent honestly, you will know the next step to be taken. Today make it a point to begin living honestly by taking the first step towards sharing your gift with the world. Call a person you can help. Make a difference in their life. Sharing is caring.

Affirmation – I live my life honestly. I honour my talents and share my gift with the world. I live my life with integrity and speak my truth all the time.

I wish you a lifetime of honest experiences.
Love and light, always

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