Monday 12 March 2018

Just For Today I will not Worry

It is human nature to think ahead, to plan for the future and to consider problems that may crop up along with solutions. There’s nothing wrong in staying one step ahead of problems, but there is a serious issue if you are constantly borrowing trouble. If you are dealing with a constant imbalance in your mind, body and spirit.

Are you the sort of person who is always worried about something going wrong? Are you constantly worried about possible setbacks in life? Do you go from one nagging thought to a slew of thoughts that steal your peace of mind? Are stress and anxiety your perpetual companions?

According to a Swedish Proverb, worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.

Simply put, most of the things that you are worried about, have not happened as yet. Most of the things that you are going to worry about, are not going to happen either. These worries are just shadow monsters that live in your own mind, nurtured and trained by your attitude. 

A lifetime of untrained thoughts cause you to worry about everything. Yes, you will have problems in life. Yes there will be setbacks and difficulties in meeting your desired goals, but worrying is not the way to help yourself overcome them.

Remember each time you think a thought, you are spending energy on it. Just like you would not buy rotten fruit by spending your hard earned money on it, train yourself to not spend your energy on thoughts that are not helpful to you at all.

Today’s Call to Action

How do you stop worrying and spending your energy on non essential issues. Pay attention to your thoughts. Each time you catch yourself worrying with non productive thoughts, mentally say to yourself STOP! Clear your mind with a couple of minutes of deep breathing.

Then physically get up and do a set of exercises. It could be anything simple like raising your hands above your head and touching your toes ten times. Or holding your arms out sideways and twisting your waist. It can be anything, just do ten repetitions.
Now think about the situation that started the worrying. Has a problem actually manifested itself? No? There’s nothing to worry about! Just laugh out loud and remind yourself, I am now changing my attitude to worrying.

Yes, there is a problem? Is there any action that you can take to help create a solution? Go ahead and plan the steps.

Now visualize that the problem is solved. That you are happy and laughing. Feel the joy of vanquishing the problems. Remind yourself that you are more than capable of handling any challenges that life brings to you.

Affirmation – I eliminate worry from my life. I make space for joy. I have faith that everything will work out for the highest good of everyone.

I wish you days filled with laughter and joy.
Love and light, always

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