Sunday 8 January 2017

Authentic Happiness : PERMA

Without exception, every human being on the planet is looking for happiness. Unfortunately there is a lot of confusion since the concept of happiness is not the same for any two people in existence.

How then will the billions of humans ever find authentic happiness? With a little help from what Dr. Martin Seligman and his PERMA goals. PERMA is an acronym for Positive (Emotions), Engagement, (Good) Relationships, Meaning (and Purpose), and Accomplishment. Read more about his theory here.

Today's Call to Action

As you clarify what you need to achieve to be happy, you are likely to end up feeling more joy. So here's what you need to do today. Remember that diary in which you wrote down the areas that you want to improve this year? Bring it out again.

This time make a note of all the things you would like to do in order to meet PERMA goals. Think how you can foster Positive Emotions, then write down to actions that you will take to do this. Now remember to perform these actions with full Engagement.

Want to establish Good Relationships? Write down an act of kindness you will do for that person and then go do it. Ponder upon the Meaning of life. Being a part of a greater purpose always gives me more meaning. Be it a spiritual exercise, a charitable offering, or just plain prayers for the good of all. Find meaning.

As you write down these plans there will be a sense of excitement, and some plans. When these actions are performed to your personal satisfaction you will feel a sense of Accomplishment. Become more ambitious with your goals and enjoy the sense of satisfaction that accompanies their successful fruition.

I wish you PERMA Happiness
Love and light, always,

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