Wednesday 25 January 2017

Taking Responsibility

When things go wrong, as they often will in life, what is your response to it? How you deal with life's challenges says a lot about who you are. Suppose you set a goal, make a plan and start following it. Then something upsets the plan and you are left reeling.

Do you decide to give up the course?
Do you blame someone else for causing you trouble?
Do you run to an authority figure and crib about how things went wrong?
Do you sit down and work out what went wrong so that you can attempt to fix it?

Everything happens for a reason. If your project has hit a road block, there is some subconscious pattern in your thinking that has caused it. You don't believe that you can do it, so why should the Universal Energy support you?

If you want positive results, you need to take responsibility of your thoughts, words and deeds. You need to own up to the fact that while you really want the project to succeed, there is something in your heart that is holding you back.

Today's Call to Action

Think of a specific situation where you are feeling blocked. One where you would like to change things to make them better. It could be related to your relationships, career goals, health issues or even finances. You need to pick the one that's most pressing and urgent to you.

Now get out that diary and write down the reasons why you think that this situation is not changing. If it changes will it take you out of your safety zone? What is the payoff for no change taking place? Write down whatever you think is hindering the project.

The next step is to own up to the fact that you are completely responsible for this situation. As you take responsibility for creating this situation, use the technique of Ho'oponopono to release the blocks. Here are the four steps:

Repent for creating the situation - I am Sorry!
Ask for forgiveness - Please Forgive Me!
Express gratitude - Thank You!
Accept yourself unconditionally - I Love You!

I wish you every success that you can claim.
Love and light, always

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